Five Things to Know Before Your First Prenatal Yoga Class

Sep 28, 2021

It’s not just about the squats (although the squats are strengthening). Here are some of the lesser-known benefits and considerations of prenatal yoga: 

  1. There are specific yoga poses and movements that can help you feel better in your pregnant body. Prenatal yoga isn’t just modifying traditional yoga poses in a way the pregnant body can practice. In our prenatal classes, we explore specific poses and movements to stretch and strengthen the pregnant body in pregnancy, labor, and all scopes of birth. From back pain to heartburn, yoga and movement can help you feel more like yourself. 
  2. Yoga can be practiced safely in any trimester. We adjust the class offerings based on the parents-to-be participating. There are many poses, breathing techniques, and meditations that are recommended for specific stages of a pregnancy, and we offer options for each body. It’s never too early or too late to begin a prenatal yoga practice. 
  3. Beyond yoga, meditation is incredibly beneficial for you and your baby. Studies show that mediation can calm the nervous system, moving parents from the “fight or flight” anxiety response to the “rest and digest” state. You share a nervous system as you share a body with your little one, and building tools for calming and restoration can help you feel more resilient during pregnancy and early parenthood.
  4. Yoga props like blocks and bolsters can make prenatal yoga much more comfortable and beneficial. Even if you’re accustomed to practicing yoga without props, we highly recommend using them during pregnancy. Need to invest in props? Here are my recommendations.
  5. It’s not “just” about the physical yoga practice. During a time of immense transition, it can be helpful to create space for your changing self. We do this with meditation and by building a community in prenatal yoga. We create a nonjudgemental place for you to feel a connection to yourself, your baby, and other parents-to-be. We also explore inclusive childbirth education so you can feel empowered in the decisions you make in your parenthood journey.


Ready to sign up for prenatal yoga? Join me in Morristown, NJ or online, Mondays at 6:15pm ET beginning October 4 with Be Well. Register here.


Can’t make the time or need more flexibility? Access my Prenatal Yoga Library for on-demand videos you can practice on your own time. Get access here.


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