First Trimester Product Faves

Feb 25, 2021 0 Comments

The beginning of pregnancy can bring so many highs and lows. From the emotional response to the uncertainty of this new journey to bouts of nausea and exhaustion, you may struggle with not feeling like yourself. 

In addition to my yoga + movement recommendations for the first trimester, there are thankfully some great products that can help alleviate early pregnancy symptoms and help you feel more like the incredible human being you are. Here are my recommendations:


YETI tumbler - excellent at keeping water COLD so you can stay hydrated. I carry this with me everywhere. 


Hatch Head Peace - cooling + compression wrap offers relief from hormonal and good old-fashioned headaches alike. I love how it can double as an eye pillow for naps.


Prenatal vitamin - to support your body's additional nutritional needs. Always check with your healthcare provider for the right supplement for you.


Preggie Pops - convenient to have on hand when nausea hits.


Yogi Ginger Tea  - can help with nausea and hydration.


Mama Natural Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth - helpful guide that breaks down the pregnancy journey into digestible week-by-week chapters, no matter where you fall on the "natural" spectrum. Reading this together can also be a great way to share your journey with your partner.


Expectful Meditation App - so beneficial in preparing your mindset for the transition to parenthood. Here's my link to an extended free trial. 


This blog post contains affiliate links to things I love.


What helped you in your first trimester? 


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